“Perfect working conditions for more than 1,000m² in office space” - Dirk, Customer Systems Head

Alcon, a multinational and world leader in eye care products, expanded its offices, warehouses and loading docks in Puurs. Arcsom was called in to automate the HVAC system quickly and properly. Arcsom supervised the project from start to finish, from coding and preparation to in-the-field adjustments.



HVAC Division Manager
HVAC Automation

A tailor-made solution.


After receiving a detailed quotation based on basic drawings and a general description, the way was open for Arcsom to code and commission the HVAC system in Puurs. 

Two Arcsom experts went on-site to start up the project. After a detailed description of the intended operation, it was time to ensure the coding and preparation. We simulated the code in-house, and then tested it on-site to ensure all data points were properly received by the PLC and were clearly visualized. Arcsom tuned the system perfectly (humidity, pressure, air flow rates, etc.) for more than a thousand square meters of offices. Finally, we organized an on-site training to familiarize the Alcon employees with how to operate the system. They can now easily adjust parameters themselves to perform optimizations.

  • Dedicated project team with 3 Arcsom experts
  • Simulations and tests ensure perfectly tuned system
  • On-site training by Arcsom
  • Greater flexibility in start-up options
  • Water-tight quote without surprises

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