“Thanks to Arcsom, we can seamlessly renew our greenhouses” - Wim, Head of Technical Services

The botanic garden in Meise plans to completely renovate its greenhouses in the coming years. During that transition, which spans multiple years, the old building management system has to remain operational. Arcsom has developed a tailor-made solution that ensures old PLCs communicate with a brand new system and so remain operational during this transition period.



Business Developer
PLC Care
Botanic Garden Meise
Upgrades & support

A tailor-made solution.


Keeping a close eye on energy consumption is a prerequisite for the Botanic Garden in Meise. The systems that provide heating, humidification, and ventilation for greenhouses are indispensable, but outdated. Arcsom ensured that the old PLCs will continue to run for years while the greenhouses, including the climate control, are being renovated. The legacy system communicates with the new technology. The result? The botanic garden can rest assured that it will be able to continue to operate for years to come until the full transition to new greenhouses and the new building management system has been completed. 

  • Developing a new building management system
  • Continued operation of obsolete PLCs guaranteed
  • Smooth communication between the old and new system
  • Minimum risk of failure
  • Expert support by Arcsom

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